Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials
Product Support Value Partnership
Property Management App

We did not have to waste much time on training. The demo videos were very helpful. And, the training provided by the support team was fantastic.

Mr. Kettil
Manager Hotel Hlid, Iceland
Anytime resolution

A very important aspect was the 24/7 availability of Hotelogix’s Support Team, where we could pose our queries and get resolution at any time.
Joel Evrard
Joel Evrard
General Manager, Hotel Arqueologo, Peru
24 x 7 support is great

We get 24 x 7 support which is the best part. Gives us the confidence to recommend them strongly to anyone.
Mohan Pandey
Mohan Pandey
Professional support

Hotelogix customer service is professional and highly personalized, catering to our needs.
Mr. Grant Horsfield
Mr. Grant Horsfield
Naked Retreat, Shanghai
Hotelogix support helped us save over 6,000 USD

The single most impressive aspect of using Hotelogix is the customer service you receive. They are constantly willing to help you with any software problems (even if you, yourself created them). In one week this year, one of their support team executives saved us over 6,000 USD that was wrongfully deducted by the OTA. Their team audited all occurrences of the wrongful mapping and updated us regularly. I have come by almost no companies where the support team goes out of the way to ensure client satisfaction the way Hotelogix has! I couldn't be happier!
Matthew Werner
Matthew Werner
General Manager, Hotel 32 32, New York, USA
Quick query resolution

The demo videos were very helpful. Also, the training provided by the support team was fantastic. The 24/7 support is accessible and our queries have always been answered within 24 hours.
Mr. Kettil
Mr. Kettil
Manager, Hotel Hlið, Iceland
At my assistance at any hour

I find the Hotelogix live chat service useful as I can pose my queries any time and I always get a response within a few hours. The 24/7 support team is at my assistance any time of the day.
Jarvis Tay
Jarvis Tay
General Manager, Humble Footprints Hotel and Hostel, Myanmar
Friendly staff

Hotelogix has the most pleasant staff I've had the pleasure of working with for a very long time.
Mr. Renu Varghese
Mr. Renu Varghese
General Manager, Hotel Clarion
24 x 7 availability is great

I found Hotelogix support team to be extremely responsive, friendly and supportive. They are always available!
Mr. Sarath Wickrama
Mr. Sarath Wickrama
Owner, Carlton Hotel, UK
Hotelogix has a highly capable support team

They are always available. Our account manager's response time always sets us back on track when we have some difficulty. We are not living in the same country as the resort's location but we are managing the bookings as if we were in the resort.
Vasilis Kostakis
Vasilis Kostakis
Administrator for Owners, Porto Fiscardo Holiday Apartments
Great training tools

We found Hotelogix and took advantage of the free trial. Within a few days our card processing was set up. The video tutorials were extremely helpful.
Mark Shemel
Mark Shemel
Owner, THINK Properties, New York & Miami, USA
They care about us

Hotelogix has some impressive training tools which helped our staff understand the process. The Hotelogix support has been great; good understanding of the system and good communication skills. They care about the system and our questions/feedback.
Michael Davis
Michael Davis
Managing Director, Ramat Niseko Lodges, Japan
Always available support

I was very impressed with Hotelogix’s team of professionals who were available online 24/7. I found the team to be competent and very supportive. I also appreciate the fact that Hotelogix works with their customers closely and positively listens to their feedback and suggestions.
Amin Jamal
Amin Jamal
Owner, Regency Grand Suites, Philippines
Support team made it easier for non-technical staff

It's so easy to learn, so easy to use and so easy to get help online by the support team that in a few days the whole team of Le Jardin des Douars (who was not IT minded) was already using the platform and loving it.
Sébastien Lob
Sébastien Lob
Managing Partner, Hotel Jardin De Douars, Morocco
Hotelogix has fantastic support

We found them to be always available and ready to respond to our questions. They helped our staff to set up the booking engine on their website. They offered to get it done quickly but we wanted to do it ourselves. This took longer but they were patient and helpful.
Holly Masek
Holly Masek
Cottontree Lodge, Belize

Simplify and automate hotel management in a minute

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